"You're Too Old To Make a Change"
Choosing paths, defying societal expectations, and embracing change.
Writing vs Typing for Journalling
Exploring the best tools to make use of journalling
How To Read More Books
Advice on reading effectively through better time management, triaging, and personalizing the reading experience
Must-have Google and YouTube Extensions for 2024
The go-to extensions every must install on their Chrome for 2024.
3 Benefits of Audiobooks to Enhance Your Reading Experience
Using audiobooks in conjunction with reading books is a superpower. Here's why.
Freeing Your Mind: The Power of Externalizing Thoughts in Journalling
Don't let your thoughts fester in your mind, externalize them!
Slowing Down the Clock: Regaining Our Perception of Time
Time is elusive. Here's how I am trying to recapture my perception of time.
🤐 When Silence Speaks Louder: The Week I Lost My Voice
Lost my voice for a week, and it changed everything. Dive into my journey and see what we often take for granted.
🗳️ Making a Vote for Your Identity
Every action is a vote towards your ideal self. Here are some actionable tips.
Stressed? Try the Shut Down Routine.
No, I'm not saying shut yourself off when you're stressed. I'm saying that you should...
The Power of Newsletters: Building Your Own Platform
I persuade you to build your own email newsletter and show your work
🛠️ The Technician, Manager, and Entrepreneur
The three personalities we have at odds with each other. Here's why